1) Game can become addictive.
2) Game will not make you happy.
3) Only self-acceptance can make you happy.
In the past, when I read it, I understood it, but I didn't truly believe it. Game - addictive?! It was a chore! Well, at least until I did the first approach of a session. Then I'd always want more, since usually the first approach was just a warm-up one.
But now, things are starting to change. After a daygame session today, I still wanted more! Like a good school boy, I re-consulted Krauser's book on this developing addiction, but didn't quite find the answer I was looking for.
Should I keep feeding the addiction? On one hand, it's consuming more and more of my life. On the other hand, I'm not sure I have enough Game to be satisfied before I leave the West in June 2015*.
And that's when I thought of this analogy:
Game is like money.
Here's how the analogy works: you need an increasing amount of each to:
1) Live ($/G)
2) Be comfortable ($$/GG)
3) Feed the addiction for it, if you have one ($$$/GGG)
To further elaborate:
1) To live - a small amount of money/Game is required to function in society. With technology, this amount is shrinking, but at this point in human history, you still need to pay/talk to other human beings to eat and sleep.
2) To be comfortable - a higher amount of money/Game is required to be comfortable in society. Being only able to pay/talk enough to live is not enough to regularly sleep in a decent place / with decent women.
3) Feed the addiction for it, if you have one - ever-increasing amounts are required at this stage. As you go from places/women that are 5's, to 6,'s, then to 7's, etc., the money/Game required increases exponentially (not linearly).
So what's the answer after all this mental masturbation? Obviously it's the middle path - to be comfortable. Now what does that mean for my daygame? Now I get to put down a concrete goal for myself:
Now - approach machine: 1 date/month that passes the boner test (thanks Roosh)
Goal - intermediate: 1 lay/month that passes the boner test
* Leaving the West in June 2015 is a convenient month: it's when my lease ends, when I have one year in my new job, and most importantly, when I can be reasonably sure my retirement savings will last, in light of the recent bull market. I'll also be able to scout out destinations before then.
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